Friday, September 21, 2007


I just got done reading Acts last night. It was kind of like a good book that I didn't want to end. Now I dont know what to do. When I was done I set my bible down and looked around kind of lost. To be honest, the Bible has never been that way for me. I would read maybe 2 or 3 times a week when I was home in my little comfort zone. Here, reading is just a part of my day as eating. I never used to understand people who just couldnt wait to read their Bible, I would have moments where it really stuck a nerve, but in general it was kind of a chore. Acts was seriously amazing. Reading this stuff and then thinking, wow, that actually happend. Paul was actually in jail for years for spreading the truth. He actually got flogged like 4 times in the same chapter. Woah...

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