Saturday, October 06, 2007

"Operation Mariposa" was not a success.

The other night, there was a HUGE moth in the basement. She was seriously the size of the palm of my hand. She wouldn't fly and she was just sitting on the ground. So Carlitos and I devised a plan to save the big moth. "Operation Mariposa." We got two pieces of paper and worked together to be careful not to touch her wings. We set her on the window sill, and she began to try and fly away. We looked at each other like "Yay! we saved her!!" Just then, the Gomez's dog came out of no where and ate her out of the air. I was just like "Oh, umm, lets not watch this..." Then Carlitos turned to me and said, "Summo just doesn't know how to live in peace and liberty."

Summo, half bear half lion.

Apparently the popcorn was really hot?

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