Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I can't wait to be a Tica instead of a Dutchie

Last Sunday was Liz's birthday so Katy and I surprised her by driving her to see Copeland play in Toledo. She had no idea where we were going and she started to think that we were kidnapping her when we passed Williamston. By the way, don't go to Toledo, all that's there is a creepy gas station, and a run down venue with poop on the walls, seriously. But the show was great, we were 2nd row and they were amazing.

On the two hour drive back home, I got to thinking about Costa Rica. I'm so freakin excited. I'm going to be learning spanish, living in a 100% Latino (Tico) community, and becoming a part of a latino family. I leave August 15th, and I'm coming home in late December.


Brett said...

you should change the "Cause there's beauty in the breakdown" to Spanish... Porque hay bonita en el destrucion... Yo hablo un poco y estoy estupido, pero yo no estudio espanol en siete anos.

hah! i did all that from memory. sweet.

Fran Bonzelaar said...

Haha, your translation means "because there is pretty in the destruction."

That is pretty much how I am going to sound when I'm down there, como una idiota.

Brett said...

yeah, i know what i said, but it was the closest i could think of. same basic idea, right? i remember a lot of grammar stuff, but my vocab is very minimal.