Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Worst Blogger EVER (and ok with it)

I have not updated since October of 2005. Wow. I have Concluded that I am a horrible blogger. Oh well, I like to blog and I will keep this blog even if its just collecting dust. I don't know who will read this because I'm assuming that no one regularly checks a blog that hasn't been updated in over a year, and if you do that that's kind of creepy, but oh well we'll see.

I am now helping out with Riverview's High shcool ministry, formally know as BOB. I'm so excited that J.R. and the other leaders have given me the opportunity to work with these high schoolers. I know what its like to be a Christian in high school, and its not very fun. I look back on the way I behaved during my early years of high school (I became a Christian late junior year) and I can see that I totally lived my life for the world. I see my little sister who is now a sophomore and she is starting to make the same mistakes that I once made. It is hard, I just want to grab her face and scream "Learn from my mistakes! Don't make them yourself!" Not to say that I don't make mistakes anymore...

Some small thoughts on BIG lessons God has taught me:

*God has a plan.
About a year ago a series of events lead to the loss of a relationship and some very cherished friendships for me. At the time, I refused to trust that God had a reason for what happened to me. Now that everything is said and done, I can look back and see how much that relationship was bringing me down, and the people God has placed in my life as a result are absolutely amazing. I have grown so much through this whole experience and have learned to trust in God. I was an idiot for not trusting him in the first place.

*We are on this earth to spread God's word, NOT to party.

"I urge you, as ALIENS and STRANGERS in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul." -1 Peter 2:11

There is so much more in store for us than this world. If I can't drink alcohol until I'm 21 (or when I'm in Paris for spring break muwahaha) or have sex until I'm married... THEN THAT'S OK! Although these things are gifts in their Godly context, there is so much more to our existence than this worldly stuff... We have HEAVEN ahead of us! What can beat that?

*Honesty wins.
I have friends that tell me "It doesn't matter how bad you mess up, you can ALWAYS come to me with anything." I have learned so much, especially this summer, that if you are honest about your sins, they are so much easier to get a hold of. Be transparent.

Ok cool. Here are some pics:

I miss Minneapolis

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I love Devon and my little sister Liz (Who is bigger than me)

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And my dog is cute.

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Bye Bye.


Noel Heikkinen said...

Welcome back to the blogging world.


Fran Bonzelaar said...

Why thank you Noel!