I recently started reading "Conversations with God- An uncommon dialouge" by Neale Donald Walsch. It is a big conversation between Neale Donald Walsch and God-- what God would say according to Neale. I'm not sure about it. Some of the answers do not go along with the Bible. I definitely think that it is cool to read things like this but I also think it is very good to hold the Bible above any other book and if they dont match, then to take what the Bible says because that is the word of God. Conversations with God more refers to a universal God, and he refers to Jesus as a saint, and also Budah as a saint. As a christian I believe that Jesus was the son of God sent by him to wash us of our sins and now there is the trinity God Son and Holy Spirit. I believe that there is no other God above him so that is why I dont agree with Neale refering to Budahh as a saint. The book has some really cool ideas, but some of them that I think are wrong. I definitely suggest this book to anyone though, if you are the kind of person who likes to think.
Neale Donald Walsch: How do you talk, and to whom?
GOD: I talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do I talk, But who listens?
Neale Donald Walsch: Expand on that subject.
GOD: First let's exchange the word talk with the word communicate. It's a much better word, a much fuller, more accurate one. When we try to speak to each other Me to you, you to Me, we are immediately constricted by the unbelievable limitation of words. For this reason, I do not communicate by words alone. In face, rarely do I do so. My most common form of communication is through feeling.
Feeling is the language of the soul.
If you want to know what's true for you about somthing, look to how you're feeling about it.
Feelings are somtimes diffucult to discover--and often even more diffucult to acknowledge. Yet hidden in your deepest feelings is your highest truth.